Conscious Birth Preparation

“What a wonderful beginning it is, when a new life is conceived and brought to birth with a conscious intention of love and nurturing!

I am honoured to walk beside you as you anticipate the journey ahead. I see my role as assisting you to:

Re-awaken your inner knowing

Connect more deeply to your body wisdom &

Embrace the soul connection you have with your unborn child.”


Conscious Birth Benefits

  • Your physical, emotional and mental wellbeing does impact the baby in utero. Consciously directed love, presence and protection offers your child the best possible start to life. Ideally this preparation begins before conception.
  • Self reflection enables you to look at your own life experiences and parent modeling. You can reset intentions if necessary so that patterns which have not served you well, wont affect the wellbeing of the family you are now creating.
  • Developing deeper inner listening and stillness enhances your intuition and enables heartfelt communication and bonding with your unborn child.
  • A conscious toolkit for birth and beyond reconnects you to your inner knowing of how to respond to your own needs and that of your baby with confidence.
  • Purposeful visualization empowers you to trust your innate body wisdom and capacity to deliver a healthy baby naturally with ease and joy.
  • Your physical, emotional and mental wellbeing does impact the baby in utero. Consciously directed love, presence and protection offers your child the best possible start to life. Ideally this preparation begins before conception.
  • Self reflection enables you to look at your own life experiences and parent modeling. You can reset intentions if necessary so that patterns which have not served you well, wont affect the wellbeing of the family you are now creating.
  • Developing deeper inner listening and stillness enhances your intuition and enables heartfelt communication and bonding with your unborn child.
  • A conscious toolkit for birth and beyond reconnects you to your inner knowing of how to respond to your own needs and that of your baby with confidence.
  • Purposeful visualization empowers you to trust your innate body wisdom and capacity to deliver a healthy baby naturally with ease and joy.

Conscious Birth Care Package

I am delighted to be able to offer you the following Conscious Birth Services to support you to conceive, carry and birth your precious child.

Explore the options below then complete the Booking Form at the bottom of this page to receive a FREE 15 min phone consultation to discuss your needs.

Fertility Healing & Conscious Conception

Haputanga Pregnancy Massage

Antenatal Counselling

Conscious Birth Vocal Sound Coaching

Conscious Birth Toolkit Series

Post Natal Counselling Care

Birth Trauma Release

Haputanga Pregnancy Massage

Haputanga is a Traditional Maori Healing approach to caring for the Mother and Baby during the antenatal and post natal period.

It utilises a combination of gentle abdominal massage, body alignment and pressure point activation to maximise comfort and wellbeing of the Mother and enhance healthy growth of the baby in utero.

Haputanga is recommended to commence after the first trimester and ideally is continued regularly up until the birth.

It is also helpful for the Mother to return after the birth for a bodywork session to assist body re-alignment, restoration and healing of the pelvic and abdominal organs following the birth process.

Benefits for mother – Haputanga is deeply relaxing and eases the discomforts that pregnancy may induce eg. back pain, muscle aches and strains, sore feet, pelvic and abdominal discomfort, tiredness, stress

Benefits for baby – the gentle yet purposeful abdominal massage relaxes and calms babies and restores the flow of amniotic fluid around them thus assisting growth

Family Bonding Haputanga offers parents the opportunity to connect with their growing baby in a very intimate, nurturing way.

My husband Audie and I offer haputanga as a four hand approach which gives you the added bonus of our combined masculine and feminine healing energies.

We are also happy to demonstrate these techniques to the Mother’s Partner so this practice can be continued at home.

Watch our haputanga video below AND if you want to learn more about what Audie offers as an indigenous Maori healer and artist, follow this link to his website

What Clients Say…

I highly recommend Audie and Caroline… I had a haputanga mirimiri (Maori pregnancy massage) from them both… great couple working together in harmony… As a mother of 8 children with the 9th one on the way – my body has been through a lot! Having this bodywork helped with relieving back pain, sore hips and blockages throughout my body… I would suffer from cramps in my legs every night but since the haputanga I have not had any more cramps… the night of the mirimiri I slept like a log – best sleep I have had in a long time…. feeling relieved, relaxed and I will definitely be back for more…. for ever grateful xxx

Haputanga Pregnancy Massage with Audie and Caroline

Antenatal Counselling

Your consciousness, quite naturally, connects to the circle of life  when you are expecting to welcome a new baby into your family.

Your thoughts may turn to…

  • your own birth and childhood
  • your parents’ experience of bringing their children into the world
  • birth trauma from your previous pregnancies
  • your connection now to your family of origin, your wider family and community in which you live and what part they might play in your child’s life
  • your hopes and expectations for your new family

These thoughts may elicit some powerful emotions and bring to your awareness unresolved issues that now feel timely to address.

Your consciousness, quite naturally, connects to the circle of life  when you are expecting to welcome a new baby into your family.

Your thoughts may turn to…

  • your own birth and childhood
  • your parents’ experience of bringing their children into the world
  • birth trauma from your previous pregnancies
  • your connection now to your family of origin, your wider family and community in which you live and what part they might play in your child’s life
  • your hopes and expectations for your new family

These thoughts may elicit some powerful emotions and bring to your awareness unresolved issues that now feel timely to address.

I am here to gently guide you through this process of self reflection as you choose what to put aside and what to embrace as you move forward into parenthood.

What Clients Say…

When I was around 18 weeks pregnant, my partner was seriously injured in a motorcycle accident that nearly killed him and left him paralysed. I felt lost, scared and ungrounded. It was at this point that I met Caroline. She is “walking love”. In her presence I was enabled and encouraged to sink into the love and care inside myself, the love and care of the universe. After my session with Caroline I felt capable of caring for myself, my baby and my partner – I felt empowered and strong like I really am capable of managing all these challenges in my life! I am so grateful for all the love, care and support Caroline and Audie continue to give me whenever I have needed them. I cannot recommend them enough. For anyone struggling with fertility, pregnancy or in fact any struggles you may be facing! Audie and Caroline have a gift, and the way they work together has brought my life so much joy and peace. Arohanui.

Conscious Birth Vocal Sound Coaching

Intentional Sounding is an incredible tool to support your pregnancy and birth and can be undertaken after the first trimester of pregnancy.


  • Bond with and nourish  your growing baby with your unique, loving sound vibrations
  • Learn how to release the discomforts of pregnancy through  breath and sound
  • Prepare your body, mind and soul for a more conscious birth experience
  • Discover your powerful, primal sounds to assist and ease the birthing process
  • Create your own lullaby to sing your baby into the world

What Clients Say…

I was pleasantly surprised by the direct impact of feeling your sounds because I often feel numb to outer stimuli. The first low tones you gave, gave me the boost of energy I needed and I feel more “awake” now than I did at the beginning of the session. My baby began kicking with your sounds – in a good way! I was also aware of sensations around my shoulders and into my back with release of tension. Thank You!


I am writing to thank you for the awesome experience of working with you and sound healing through my pregnancy. The connection I made with my son while in my womb was a beautiful experience and I know my son has gotten a lot from that as he has been the most amazing gift. I am so grateful for everything you have helped me through, you are a wonderful women and anyone would be lucky to work with you.

Conscious Birth Toolkit Series – Birth Preparation

Practise simple exercises using Breath, Colour, Sound, Visualisation and Body Awareness that will support you to create a safe, loving and sacred space in which to receive your precious child.

  • Deepen your inner listening
  • Prepare and nurture your changing body
  • Communicate with the soul of your baby
  • Take care of your thoughts and feelings
  • Refine your birth plan to engage self-empowering labour support
  • Invite strength, flow and ease for the birth

This is a 4 week series of one hour birth preparation sessions which can be completed in person with me at my Auckland Clinic or via zoom.

Complete the booking form at the bottom of this page and I will phone you for a FREE 15 min consultation to ascertain your unique needs.

Practise simple exercises using Breath, Colour, Sound, Visualisation and Body Awareness that will support you to create a safe, loving and sacred space in which to receive your precious child.

  • Deepen your inner listening
  • Prepare and nurture your changing body
  • Communicate with the soul of your baby
  • Take care of your thoughts and feelings
  • Refine your birth plan to engage self-empowering labour support
  • Invite strength, flow and ease for the birth

This is a 4 week series of one hour birth preparation sessions which can be completed in person with me at my Auckland Clinic or via zoom.

Complete the booking form at the bottom of this page and I will phone you for a FREE 15 min consultation to ascertain your unique needs.

What Clients Say…

I have worked with Caroline individually and also together with her husband Audie. These sessions occurred when I was in the later stages of pregnancy with my third child and after his birth. I found the sessions such a wonderful healing and nurturing experience. The haputanga was incredibly restorative and nuturing – Audie and Caroline are very attuned and skilled healers. I then did some work with Caroline, following on from the bodywork, incorporating Colour Consciousness and Sounding. This was great in helping me let go of some of the trauma of my past birthing experiences and also extended family patterning that Id taken on. This enabled me to go into my third birthing experience feeling clearer and lighter, and I didnt have the complications Id had for my first two births! I think the combination of Colour Consciousness and Sounding, built on the bodywork we’d already done together to really help shift stuff for me. Caroline’s sounding is very special and a sacred experience that bought me to tears it was so beautiful. Id highly recommend Caroline to work with, particularly when a woman needs the gentleness around the special and vulnerable time of pregnancy and early parenting.

Post Natal Counselling Care

The early weeks and months after the arrival of your precious babe are incredibly demanding on parents, both physically and emotionally.

Post Natal Counselling Consultations can support you as you endeavour to find space for yourself within the new world you have created, with potential for:
  • renewed energy and coping ability
  • enhanced parent / child bond
  • restoring the “love in the little things”
  • self acceptance and nurturing
  • emotional equilibrium

If you are feeling overwhelmed I can work with you to create a simple, practical plan to ensure everyone’s needs are met, especially yours! I am happy to support you with regular online coaching in those early weeks to help make life just that little bit easier for you.

What Clients Say…

I first contacted Caroline as I was struggling to connect with my little boy and was in turn feeding postnatal depression. After trying for 6 months to figure out why I couldn’t bond with this gorgeous little human my sessions with Caroline changed our relationship completely. I can’t thank Caroline enough for helping me bond with my little boy and feel confident in my role as a parent I will be forever grateful.

Did you have a traumatic birth?

To connect with Caroline for a FREE 15 min phone consultation to answer any questions you might have and to discuss your needs fill out the booking form below and she will call you at the time that is convenient for you!

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