Fertility Healing

Not all couples fall pregnant easily or have success in carrying a pregnancy full term.

Many of the couples who come to us for fertility healing have been trying to conceive for years without success.

Some have tried IVF or have been told there is nothing more that can be done from a medical perspective.

Others have had multiple miscarriages or issues with polycystic ovaries and endometriosis.

Even if you have no known fertility issues but you do want to conceive a child more consciously, our holistic approach is a beautiful way to prepare for Conception and Pregnancy.

Our Approach to supporting Natural Conception

Audie and Caroline offer a holistic assessment of what may be contributing causes to your fertility challenges.

We work intuitively to reveal the energetic, emotional, mental or spiritual issues contributing to your infertility and then we assist you to resolve and release unwanted energies or historic issues that may be preventing you from manifesting the family you truly desire.

The techniques we offer include a combination of intuitive bodywork, voice sound healing and counselling.

All of these therapies are natural and will not interfere with any medical treatment you may be undertaking.

  • Ideally we will see you as a couple for the first appointment which may take between 1.5 and 2 hours.
  • Audie and Caroline will work together to offer a holistic bodywork assessment and treatment of each of you.
  • Bodywork includes a full Romi-Romi body alignment and for the woman, there will also be hands on physical massage of the lower belly and energy healing of the uterus and ovaries.
  • Caroline’s Vocal Sound Vibrations give deeper non-intrusive healing to help clear the inner reproductive organs of the ovaries, fallopian tubes and testes in the male if necessary
  • Individual or Couple Counselling sessions will be recommended when past or present emotional trauma needs resolving
  • There will be time for explanation of our processes, discussion of our findings and a plan co-created with you for any follow up appointments.
  • Ladies, please schedule your appointment early in your monthly cycle, so that our treatment can prepare the way for Mother Nature, You and Your Partner to conceive without further disturbance or risk of treating you when you may already be pregnant!

Audie and Caroline offer a holistic assessment of what may be contributing causes to your fertility challenges.

We work intuitively to reveal the energetic, emotional, mental or spiritual issues contributing to your infertility and then we assist you to resolve and release unwanted energies or historic issues that may be preventing you from manifesting the family you truly desire.

The techniques we offer include a combination of intuitive bodywork, voice sound healing and counselling.

All of these therapies are natural and will not interfere with any medical treatment you may be undertaking.

  • Ideally we will see you as a couple for the first appointment which may take between 1.5 and 2 hours.
  • Audie and Caroline will work together to offer a holistic bodywork assessment and treatment of each of you.
  • Bodywork includes a full Romi-Romi body alignment and for the woman, there will also be hands on physical massage of the lower belly and energy healing of the uterus and ovaries.
  • Caroline’s Vocal Sound Vibrations give deeper non-intrusive healing to help clear the inner reproductive organs of the ovaries, fallopian tubes and testes in the male if necessary
  • Individual or Couple Counselling sessions will be recommended when past or present emotional trauma needs resolving
  • There will be time for explanation of our processes, discussion of our findings and a plan co-created with you for any follow up appointments.
  • Ladies, please schedule your appointment early in your monthly cycle, so that our treatment can prepare the way for Mother Nature, You and Your Partner to conceive without further disturbance or risk of treating you when you may already be pregnant!

To get a deeper insight into our holistic fertility healing approach and a feel for what we do in that initial assessment please Watch the video below:

Some of the clients we have treated with fertility issues became pregnant after just ONE consultation with us!

These are incredible results and we just feel so blessed and privileged to be able to support couples in our small way with their dream of creating a family.

For those who do not go on to conceive, they still express gratitude for the possibility of healing and resolving health and wellbeing issues that have often been carried for a long time…

Fertility Consultation Fees

The initial assessment and treatment with both Audie and Caroline is charged at $360 for a 90 minute session.

We offer this four hand approach because we have had great results for clients by combining our masculine-feminine healing potential, so we do highly recommend you see us both together for that initial assessment and treatment.

Follow up consultations most likely will be with either Audie or Caroline separately and so would be charged at their usual hourly rate.

We do look at the possibility of discounted sessions in genuine circumstances of low family income.

Please make contact via the booking form below so that we can have a conversation.

What Clients Say…

I came across Caroline and Audie in a way that many would call serendipitous. I was seeing someone for massage and had opened up that I had experienced a couple of miscarriages earlier in the year, for which there was no medical reason. On top of this I was anxious, experiencing extreme period pain, gut and bowel issues, all of which had been going on for years and all of which again western medicine had no answers for. My massage therapist suggested Romi-Romi with Audie might help. Upon meeting him I felt completely at ease, the anxiety I normally face around meeting people and discussing my past history was not there. I felt as though I could be myself in front of this complete stranger and face no judgement, only love and compassion. I went away from my session with Audie feeling like I was myself again, like all the hurt and the anger was dissipating and I now had an opportunity to move forward and take charge of achieving the things I really wanted, namely having a baby. My next cycle I was pregnant. But this would not be the end of my journey with Caroline and Audie. Life decided to throw some more tests my way when my partner was seriously injured in a motorcycle accident that nearly killed him and left him paralysed. I was about 18 weeks pregnant then. Once again I felt the need to call on Audie. I felt lost, scared and ungrounded. It was at this point I met Caroline. With Caroline I felt a similar sense of ease as with Audie – Caroline is “walking love”. In her presence you are enabled and encouraged to sink into the love and care inside yourself, the love and care of the universe. After my session with Caroline I felt capable of caring for myself, my baby and my partner – I felt empowered and strong like I really am capable of managing all these challenges in my life. I am currently 26 weeks along with my beautiful miracle boy! …I am so grateful for all the love, care and ongoing support Caroline and Audie give me whenever I have needed them. I cannot recommend them enough. For anyone struggling with fertility or in fact any struggles you may be facing! Audie and Caroline have a gift, and the way they work together has brought my life so much joy and peace. Arohanui.

June 2020 – A ‘thankyou’ visit from a delighted Rosie with her miracle boy
It’s funny when you look back on things. At the time my wife and I met Caroline and Audie we were steeped in the process of IVF which had become too impersonal and very ‘medical’. Not that we were complaining, but it was obviously taxing on us both. Having the opportunity to increase our chances of conceiving through alternative treatments was always welcomed with open arms. We had two wonderful sessions with Audie and Caroline. We have never experienced anything like it. It was the feeling of utmost purification in every sense of the word, cleansing and preparing both body and mind. It was very spiritual for us, as our emotional energies were re-aligned. Much to our joy, we were able to fall pregnant naturally months ahead of the scheduled IVF. We can’t thank Audie and Caroline enough, for helping us bring our beautiful son’s energy into this world.
Tish and Paul’s gorgeous boy born in 2020!
This week I have felt completely flushed through which confirmed the feeling I had right after I received my fertility treatment with you… it was a complete reset, every cell and my whole system had the chance to renew. Thomas is also feeling great. Our best regards to you Caroline and Audie, you are amazing!
My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for about three years now and it hasn’t been an easy journey. Like many we have gone down the road of IVF with some success however our pregnancies never latest more than 8 weeks. I began looking into other treatments. Being Maori, for me it was important to heal my Wairua. I first met Caroline and Audie about 2 years ago. They picked up on the energy of an ectopic pregnancy that my body was still holding on to from 20 years ago. Caroline’s sound healing along with Audie’s ‘kawe mate’ process have helped my body release this along with the other souls I have lost. These processes were completed when I felt ready to let go. I feel much more relaxed now and while I’m still not pregnant yet, I believe that I will be. Audie and Caroline were so welcoming to me. They have a presence around them that is calming and loving. Receiving the bodywork along with the colour and sound healing was an amazing experience and truly beautiful. I would strongly recommend Audie and Caroline’s healing treatment/experience to anyone.


To connect with us for a FREE 15 min phone consultation to discuss your needs fill out the booking form below and we will call you at the time that is convenient for you!

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To learn more about Romi-Romi and to view more fertility testimonials please visit Audie’s website www.intuitivehealingarts.nz